Health & Awareness

Health and hygiene in quarry, slum, and village communities have been a major issue. In our pursuit of holistic well-being, we are committed to providing healthcare services to underserved populations, ensuring that no one is left behind. We have worked with doctors from the ESI Government hospitals, Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Samarpan Medical Trust, Manipal, Ramiah Medical College and Hospital, Zamindar Eye Hospital, and with other welfare organizations teaming up in different communities, giving treatment and diagnosing thousands of people below the line of poverty.

Awareness Camps

We organise health camps and screenings that cover a wide range of essential areas. These include diabetes management, family planning, common diseases to health and hygiene practices such as HIV/AIDS, and breast cancer awareness. These camps are provided in all of our target communities.

Dental Care

Most poorer sections of India have no access to dental health. We work with the Ramiah Medical College and Hospital in conducting Dental Camps in many areas, giving thousands of poor people the opportunity to have dental check-ups.

Eye Check-up

Through our camps, we offer free eye screenings, comprehensive examinations, and expert guidance on maintaining optimal eye health. Our goal is to ensure that no one is denied the opportunity to receive essential eye care due to financial limitations and that the necessary care and support to preserve their vision is provided.

General Health Checkup

Regular free general medical checkups are given to the children in our school, as well as people from the local villages. We also provide teaching on emergency medical treatments like CPR, personal hygiene, and ways to avoid preventable diseases.

Vaccination Drive

We organise vaccination camps that ensure individuals have access to life-saving immunizations (such as polio and COVID-19), completely free of charge. By offering these vaccination drives, we provide not only vaccines, but also education and awareness about the importance of immunisations.