In a world where hope often appears to be lost, we seek to be a guiding light, offering opportunities and empowerment. Our mission is fuelled by love: centred on Christ and His compassion, and the belief that each person is uniquely created in the awe-inspiring image of God. Together, we form a united community, fostering inclusivity where everyone is acknowledged, listened to, and valued. We are the advocates for those whose voices have been silenced.
Every life touched by our work becomes a testament to the power of transformation!
Stories of Transformed Lives
As we reflect on the path we have traveled, we are humbled and inspired by the profound impact our collective efforts have had on countless lives. Each story is living proof of our mission's success and a testament to the power of compassion, dedication, and unwavering belief in the potential that lies within every individual.

As a sponsored child I got letters from my sponsor. They wrote me words of hope giving me a lot of love which I always longed for and didn’t get from my parents.

We thank the BCM staff and their dedication to going the extra mile and helping not only us but many others like us.
